this month's flower
Edgworth and District Horticultural Society

Welcome to Edgworth and District Horticultural Society 

The Garden Club 



We are a friendly and very active society in the North West of England, located in a small village between Bolton and Blackburn, but with members attending our meetings from a 20 mile radius.

We have meetings most months of the year (see Programme), together with day and evening visits to gardens large and small. Every summer, many of our members and friends take part in our long weekend mini-holiday, visiting gardens in other parts of the country.

Our big event of the year is the Annual Show, which takes place on the third Saturday of August. As well as the traditional horticultural classes of flowers, fruit and vegetables, we have classes for cookery, art and crafts, photography and flower arranging.  See our Show Schedule for full details.

Please have a look round our site, and if you have any questions or comments, contact our committee via the contacts page.

 twitter EHS FacebookKeep in touch & talk to us on Twitter & Facebook

 RHS logo

Irene (our secretary) intends to continue sending out an email bi monthly for the time being. She tries with all our help to fill it with news and articles of garden and local interest.

She is keen to receive  articles from everyone - all members! Have you read, heard, or know something that might interest or amuse others? Perhaps you have an interesting horticultural experience to relate?  Jot down a few sentences and send it to her  New ideas give variety and keep it interesting for everyone!

If you know of anyone who isn’t on the internet or on email please try to help us to keep them in touch with what the Society is doing.  If members want, but are unable to see these reports and the subsequent AGM minutes please help if you can. Instead perhaps a friend or relative could print them. Otherwise members can ring Phil Broughton 01204 300541 or Jean Turner 01204 309394.
An active committee is vital to our Society
Please consider joining us

Next Meeting at
The Barlow Edgworth
Wednesday 17th July 7.30pm

The Floral Kitchen
Jo Dyer, Belper, Derbyshire

 Jo was head gardener at Trafford Hall for 11 years and now runs her own business, Really Useful Gardens, which is about encouraging and enabling people to grow plants that can be used for lots of different things. Examples include sustainable gardening, growing food, growing natural plant foods, edible flowers, 'home grown Christmas' and growing and arranging cut flowers. She also runs ccourses on gardening topics such as wildlife gardening and gardening for beginners at Trafford Hall near Chester.

Annual Show

The Annual show 2024 will be on Saturday 17th August at the Barlow
An online version of the schedule can be found here. We are particularly keen to have entries from people who have not exhibited before  and from young people and children. There are many classes including fruit and vegetables, plants of all kinds, bakery, crafts, photography and many more. Entry forms can be found here.

*** Forthcoming Visits ***
Gardens of Somerset
Friday 5th – Monday 8th July 2024 - 4 days

Following our trip to Northumberland in 2023, we are this time travelling south-west to Somerset. Thanks to Phil and Jean’s negotiating skills the cost is actually very favourable compared to similar holidays on offer.
The price is £685. (There is a single supplement of £165 but you could share a room with someone to avoid this)

 We are coached to and from Edgworth and Bromley Cross Station
 We visit 8 gardens

Booking forms can be obtained from our website on the home page select Programmes – Holiday - Current –Application Forms. Download, print and post to Travel Editions. A deposit of
£100 is required to secure a place and full details can be found by clicking the link Itinerary.
There is no need to be a member of EDHS to join this holiday, everyone is welcome, so please pass the word around your family and friends.
Sunday 8 September 2024, Yewbarrow and Sizergh

Contact Phil Broughton to book and/or pay.

Edgworth and District Horticultural Society
Grant Awards 2023

Grants must benefit horticulture for a substantial part of the community.

The 2023 deadline for applications was the 31st May. There was a wonderful response to our invitation to apply for a grant towards the cost of horticultural projects that would benefit the community. A group of committee members visited all the sites before choosing 6 as listed below. A budget of £2,000 was available.
  • Belmont Community Garden, Belmont
  • Fairy Garden, Hob Lane, Edgworth
  • Eyrie Scout Hut, Bromley Cross
  • Walmsley Church Garden of Remembrance, Egerton
  • Woodland Edge, Chapel Grange/Greens Arms Road, Chapeltown
  • Edgworth Primary School, Edgworth 
The Society are pleased to announce that £100 has been awarded from the Geoffrey Nuttall Legacy to the Fairy Grden on Hob Lane for the purchase of 3 fruit trees.

As 'covid' restrictions have been relaxed we are delighted to be back at The Barlow. We would ask that you are still careful and Do Not Attend if you are feeling unwell or have any symptoms of 'covid'. Masks are not mandatory but please feel free to wear one.
Some windows may be open and the hall's air sanitiser will be working.
 Sanitiser will be available at the door.